Twinkle Dogs - Holiday Pet Portraits


For some reason this year, I am ready for the twinkle lights and spiced cider, today! November, you are now December’s overture. I love Thanksgiving as well, so I think we can have a long cross-fade of decoration without a hitch! (Anyone enjoying my musical analogies?)

I could possibly credit this early cheer to being more organized than ever before, regarding my own schedule. Time will still tell if holiday cards go out before New Years, but I’ve had Mini Sessions booked since September, and personal holiday planning is already underway! Go me! It’s just so satisfying not to be racing to catch up for once.

Anyways, that is my justification for this post, which is possibly way too Decembery for many of you. So, sorry not sorry! Enjoy this onslaught of twinkly puppy smiles from one of last year’s holiday events! (These were “Tiny Sessions” exclusively for Dioji, K-9 Resort & Athletic Club.)