The Kittens of Eastwick

A few weeks ago, a friend posted on their Instagram story a video of some kids playing with giant bubbles. And suddenly this idea hit me. The giant amorphous bubbles floated so ominously through the air that I immediately thought of ghosts. So I concocted this vision in my head, gathered a few friends to help me, and the images below are quite literally exactly what I pictured. I can’t explain how amazing it feels to do that!

Special thanks to: the gorgeous modeling by my amazing friend Joey who happens to also be a renowned dessert chef, the exceptional ghost-bubble-choreography by my friend Kelly, and for the adoptable kittens generously provided by Jill from ASAP cat shelter at the Santa Barbara Animal Shelter. That was my crew!

Enjoy! And I hope this inspires you to see the world a bit differently, to rescue black cats, and to be welcoming to all the restless spirits this Halloween season!